The purpose: This study evaluated the amount of peri-implant bone height change and patient satisfaction with two attachments (OT equator with smart box and Ball and socket) for retaining mandibular implant overdenture. Material and methods: From the outpatient clinic of the prosthodontic department, Faculty of Dentistry, October 6 University, fourteen male patients with edentulous mandibular and maxillary ridges aged between 50 to 65 years were selected to participate in this study. Each patient received two implants placed bilaterally in the canine regions with a divergence angle of 10 degrees. According to the type of attachment, the patients were divided into two groups, Group I: an OT equator with a smart box attachment (OT) was used. Group II, ball and socket attachments (BS) were used. The parallel technique (Digora software) was used to assess the amount of vertical bone height changes throughout the follow-up period (0, 3, 6, and 12 months). The patient's subjective evaluation of satisfaction using a questionnaire based on the VAS includes speech, chewing, comfort, aesthetics, oral hygiene, and general satisfaction was recorded. The data were collected and statistically analyzed. Results: Comparison between different groups was performed by using the Independent t-test. In contrast, a comparison between different intervals was performed using the One-Way ANOVA test followed by Tukey`s Post Hoc test for multiple comparisons. Regarding qualitative data, all comparisons were performed by using the Chi-square test.
Conclusion:Within the limitation of this study, an OT equator with smart box attachment is preferable to ball and socket attachment systems in rehabilitating nonparallel implants up to 10 degrees interimplant divergence angle. Recommendation: Evaluation with greater angles is recommended Keywords: OT equator with smart box attachment, ball and socket attachments, nonparallel implants, overdenture.