For the first time in Colombia the relative abundance of Pseudomonas spp., Vibrio spp., Plesiomonas shigelloides, the Aeromonas hydrophila group, and the faecal and total coliforms were studied in three dams and a natural lagoon with a different trophic state. Coliforms were low in all the water bodies, but their number was greater in the dams with a greater anthropic activity. Vibrio spp. was not detected. The density of P. shigelloides was irregular. Pseudomonas spp. was always present and showed relatively high abundance. The bacteria of the A. hydrophila group were constant and their numbers increased with the trophic state, for which they could be indicators of the eutrophication phenomena. Significant correlation (P < 0.05) was established between total and faecal coliforms and pH, transparency, nitrites, nitrates, and orthophosphates. P. shigelloides was correlated with faecal coliforms and Aeromonas hydrophila with total coliforms and transparency.