We attempted combined use of angioscopy and intravascular
ultrasonography (IVUS) to localize the coronary ostia and
determine the aortic segment to be replaced in patients with
annuloaortic ectasia, because these preoperative informations are
important for selection of an appropriate technique for
reconstructing the coronary artery, to prevent complications, and
also to postoperative follow-up. Two cases with annuloaortic
ectasia underwent angioscopy and IVUS both pre- and
post-operatively. Structure of aortic cusps, position of coronary
ostia, the extent of ectasia with very thin wall were clearly
observed by IVUS. Angioscopy showed milky white luminal surface of
the ectasic segment. After Cabrol’s operation, the sutured portion
of native aorta and graft was clearly identified by IVUS and mural
thrombus and naked surface of graft were observed by angioscopy.
Complications were observed in none. The results indicate
feasibility of combined use of angioscopy and IVUS for
determination of surgical approach and follow-up in patients with