Weeds are one of the key threats to the natural and agricultural fields. Weeds pose severe losses in agricultural yield by procuring nutrients and releasing secondary metabolites. Therefore, weed management is crucial for securing quantity and quality of yield. Various strategies that are most commonly employed to weed control are mechanical, physical, chemical, and cultural. However, the best method to eradicate weeds is a biological approach. The herbicidal potential of plants that can produce allelochemicals is considered a major source of biological control.In crops, weed control through allelopathy is a beneficial and environment-friendly alternativeto traditional herbicides.The object of this study is to explore the allelopathic impact of Trianthema portulacastrum against the growth of weeds (Asphodelus tenuifolius and Convolvulusarvensis and wheat(Triticum aestivum). The experimentwas performed in the petri-plates to explore the effect of various concentrations (30%, 60%, and 100%) of root and shoot of T. portulacastrum and herbicide (Metafin Super 28.6% WDG) along with control (distilled water)on the seed germination and growth of the weeds and wheat. To meet up the objectives, various parameters (such as seed germination, root length, shoot length, and seedling dry weight)of tested species were estimated. Our results revealed that water extracts of T. portulacastrum significantly reducedthe growth parameterspossibility due to interference with various growth metabolic processes. We conclude thatwater extract of root and shootof T. portulacastrumcould be safer and more beneficial to minimize the weeds competition in the wheat field.