According to data from the Central Statistics Agency of West Java Province, the number of accidents in Bandung is quite high. The number of traffic accidents with victims as college students in Bandung is in the 3rd highest rank among other big cities. Of all accidents that occur, the driver's behaviour is the main cause of the accident. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze driving behaviour and the factors of deviant driving behaviour carried out by student drivers in Bandung and analyze the relationship between gender, area of residence, driving experience, and driving frequency on driving behaviour.
This research was conducted by distributing the Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (DBQ) to determine the deviant driving behaviour of the respondents. There are 154 respondent data that will be used in this study. The data that will be collected in this study is the respondent's profile and 59 items of driving behaviour statements. The results of data collection will be processed by testing Bivariate Correlation and comparison of the average value of driving behaviour. There are several driving behaviour variabels related to the independen variabel as well as several preventive and punishment efforts given to overcome the deviant driving behaviour.