This study is aimed to search the possibility of developmental toxicity test using the zebrafish from the pesticide. We selected herbicides alachlor and butachlor, reported for fish toxicity, and insecticide fipronil reported for the high fish toxicity and the honey bee risk among the pesticides with high usability for the examples of the pesticides in this experiment. In this study, we showed those effects on the zebrafish embryo development by exposing different kinds of pesticide with different concentration and exposed time periods. As a result, the rates of hatching and abnormality of the zebrafish embryo after treatments of alachlor were increased in 24-48 hpf group, and the juvenile fishes in every group exposed to 40 µM or more of alachlor displayed sever morphological changes such as bent tails, edema and activity failures. In case of the butachlor, the rates of hatching and the abnormality in 24-48 hpf group were higher than the other groups exposed in different time periods. The fatality before hatching was high in 40 µM or more of butachlor treatment, and entire zebrafish embryos in 48 hpf group died before hatching. All the living juvenile fishes showed morphological changes as like as the treatment of alachlor. The rate of hatching and the survival of the zebrafish embryo by the fipronil were higher than other pesticides. However, morphological changes such as bent tails were observed from the most of living juvenile fishes. Therefore, the effects of three different pesticides with different concentrations and exposing time periods on the development of zebrafish embryos showed that all the pesticides effects were proportional to the concentration, and exposing time periods may cause the morphological abnormality.