Several studies have recorded effect of spent lubricant oil pollution on soil properties. This study aims at evaluating the ecology of waste oil pollution and the impact of phytoremediation on soil hydraulic conductivity vis-à-vis some edaphic properties using three leguminous plants; with the objectives of performing field and laboratory study of such contamination and impact of phytoremediation on such properties as soil texture and structure, particle density, bulk density, porosity, organic matter content and total hydrocarbon content and hydraulic conductivity. Using classical and conventional methods to assess the performance of these plant species, result showed a trajectory influence across pollution levels on the soil edaphic properties culminating to decrease in hydraulic conductivity. With the impact of phytoapplication P. pterocarpum had greater particle size (87.73%) of sand, particle density of 2.61 g/cm 3 with significant difference (P=0.05) than C. retusa and L. leucocephala treated soils. A significantly (P=0.05) lower bulk density (0.83 g/cm 3), increased porosity (68%) and reduced organic matter content (2.65%) were recorded in