INTRODUCTION At present day, radioisotope production for nuclear medicine is important because of its common use in tomography devices. Both single photon emissions computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission (PET) is used for diagnosis in nuclear medicine(Ahmad and Koki, 2017) particular, the radionuclide of iodine is used for these purposes. Therefore, these radionuclides play an important role in medical applications and research. For example, Gamma-emitted short long live 124 I(Artun and Aytekin, 2015) can be used as the diagnostic image in SPECT and PET. Besides, 124 I allows for studying important organs such as the brain and heart (Alharbi & Azzam, 2012). The long isotope also is used as a source for internal radiotherapy, bone dosimetry and a biological tracer (Skakun & Qaim, 2008). Another iodine radionuclide 122 I is a very short and used in PET for brain blood studies(Qaim, 2004, Qaim, 2017 During the last two decades, several semi classical and quantum-mechanical models have been developed to treat equilibrium phase of reactions leading to the formation of the compound nucleus. The very first model is capable of reproducing the shapes of the continuous spectra 1966). He reported that "if one is overlook the justification and retain the assumption of a binary collision even at lower energies, one can qualitatively explain some ABSTRACT Radioisotope production for nuclear medicine is tomography devices. Both single photon emissions computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET) is used for diagnosis in nuclear medicine we have calculated the reaction cross secti the formation of , , , particle with the nucleus of the iodine variation of interaction crossresult shows that the plots of curve. The productions confirm the presence of Xenon possible at the energy range of 0 to 30 MeV from the iodine