The widespread demand for data applications over mobile networks requires that service providers guarantee a well-defined quality of service (QoS)
Quality of service, multi-criteria decision making, analytic hierarchy process, web browsing & mobile networks
1.INTRODUCTIONOne of the objectives of wireless mobile networks is the provision of required quality of service (QoS). Whether the QoS level is measured from the end-users' experience or obtained from the network's switching centre, its aim is to improve subscribers' loyalty to a particular brand of service provider as well as yield more revenue to the operator. According to [1] and [2], enhancements in the form of higher data rates, QoS, security measures, location-awareness, new flexible communication capabilities, etc. are needed to enable wireless networks support demands for voice, data, and multimedia services. With the continuous growth in data rates, operators are forced to more-intelligently manage the traffic on their networks. Since different applications have different QoS requirements, efficient mechanisms (admission control, resource reservation, and packet scheduling) are needed to provide guaranteed QoS. In [3], the network-centric and end-system based approaches are proposed to support QoS guarantees. The former requires network devices such as routers, switches, and base stations to provide QoS support to satisfy data rate, bounded delay, and packet loss requirements by applications [4][5] while the latter does not impose any requirements on the network. Instead, control techniques are employed by the end systems to maximize the quality demanded by applications.