Putranjiva roxburghii Wall (syn. Drypetes roxburghii Wall.) is an evergreen tree of tropical region belonging to family Euphorbiaceae family [6]. The leaves are reported to contain β-amyrin and its esters, putrone, putrol, putranjivic acid, methyl putrajivate, stigmasterol and hydrocarbons, triterpene roxburghonic acid and biflavones [7].
Material and Methods
ChemicalsEthanol, CMC, zinc sulphate, barium chloride and sulphuric acid (7664-93-9) were purchased from CDH, pvt ltd, New Delhi.
Plant materialLeaves of Drypetes roxburghii was procured and authenticated from NBRI, Lucknow
Extraction and fractionationThe leaves were dried in shade at room temperature. The dried leaves were powdered by using grinder to coarse powder, packed into Soxhlet column and the extracted 70% ethanol for