The first reports in Radiology pertaining to magnetic resonance (MR) imaging were published in 1980, 7 years after Paul Lauterbur pioneered the first MR images and 9 years after the first human computed tomographic images were obtained. Historical advances in the research and clinical applications of MR imaging very much parallel the remarkable advances in MR imaging technology. These advances can be roughly classified into hardware (eg, magnets, gradients, radiofrequency [RF] coils, RF transmitter and receiver, MR imaging-compatible biopsy devices) and imaging techniques (eg, pulse sequences, parallel imaging, and so forth). Image quality has been dramatically improved with the introduction of high-field-strength superconducting magnets, digital RF systems, and phased-array coils. Hybrid systems, such as MR/positron emission tomography (PET), combine the superb anatomic and functional imaging capabilities of MR imaging with the unsurpassed capability of PET to demonstrate tissue metabolism. Supported by the improvements in hardware, advances in pulse sequence design and image reconstruction techniques have spurred dramatic improvements in imaging speed and the capability for studying tissue function. In this historical review, the history of MR imaging technology and developing research and clinical applications, as seen through the pages of Radiology, will be considered.