Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) has been explored for decades, and its versatility in separation and identification of gas-phase ions is well established. Recently, field asymmetric waveform IMS (FAIMS) has been gaining acceptance in similar applications. Coupled to mass spectrometry (MS), both IMS and FAIMS have shown the potential for broad utility in proteomics and other biological analyses. A major attraction of these separations is extremely high speed, exceeding that of condensed-phase alternatives by orders of magnitude. However, modest separation peak capacities have limited the utility of FAIMS and IMS for analyses of complex mixtures. We report 2-D gasphase separations that join FAIMS to IMS, in conjunction with high-resolution and accuracy timeof-flight MS. Implementation of FAIMS/IMS and IMS/MS interfaces using electrodynamic ion funnels greatly improves sensitivity. Evaluation of FAIMS/IMS/TOF performance for a protein mixture tryptic digest reveals high orthogonality between FAIMS and IMS dimensions, and hence the benefit of FAIMS filtering prior to IMS/MS. The effective peak capacities in analyses of tryptic peptides are ~500 for FAIMS/IMS separations and ~10 6 for 3-D FAIMS/IMS/MS, providing a potential platform for ultrahigh-throughput analyses of complex mixtures.Among the greatest challenges of analytical chemistry today is characterizing samples of enormous complexity associated with systems biology research. For example, mammalian proteomes can comprise >20,000 different proteins even before counting post-translational modifications, and sequence and splicing variants. 1 A proteolytic digestion of such a mixture following standard protocols of bottom-up proteomics 1 would yield >10 6 distinct peptides, and more if missed cleavage sites due to the inevitable imperfections in enzyme activity are considered. Individual peptides are commonly identified and quantified using massspectrometry (MS) that offers excellent sensitivity, specificity, and dynamic range. 1 However, no technique can presently characterize a significant percentage of the constituents in such a complex sample without extensive prior separations, and direct MS analyses generally identify with confidence only the most abundant proteins. "Top-down" analyses at the intact-protein level have similar limitations. Accordingly, combinations of various separation techniques with MS have become preeminent bioanalytical technologies. The separations have conventionally been performed in condensed phases (e.g., liquid chromatography, 2 LC, or capillary electrophoresis, 3 CE, and gel techniques 4 ). Single separation stages can provide peak capacities 2 of ~10 2 -10 3 . This level is insufficient for many challenging applications: in a mixture of ~10 6 components, a separated fraction would still comprise ~10 3 -10 4 co-eluting species on average, and substantially more in some cases. Hence large-scale proteomics often involves multidimensional separations using two or more different stages, followed by MS characterization. The be...