h i g h l i g h t s• High temperature gas-cooled reactor neutronics benchmark problems.• Description of a whole prismatic VHTR core in its full heterogeneity.• Modeled using continuous energy nuclear data at a representative hot operating temperature.• Benchmark results for core eigenvalue, block-averaged power, and some selected pin fission density results.
a b s t r a c tThis paper aims to fill an apparent scarcity of benchmarks based on high temperature gas-cooled reactors. Within is a description of a whole prismatic VHTR core in its full heterogeneity and modeling using continuous energy nuclear data at a representative hot operating temperature. Also included is a core which has been simplified for ease in modeling while attempting to preserve as faithfully as possible the neutron physics of the core. Fuel and absorber pins have been homogenized from the particle level, however, the blocks which construct the core remain strongly heterogeneous. A six group multigroup (discrete energy) cross section set has been developed via Monte Carlo using the original heterogeneous core as a basis.Several configurations of the core have been solved using these two cross section sets; eigenvalue results, block-averaged power results, and some selected pin fission density results are presented in this paper, along with the six-group cross section data, so that method developers may use these problems as a standard reference point.