The effects of the SiC particle size on the mechanical properties of aluminium 8011-SiC composites are reported. Three different particle sizes of SiC (63, 76, 89) μm with two different mass fractions of 2 % and 4 % reinforced with aluminium 8011 were processed using the stir-casting method. The mechanical properties, like hardness, tensile strength, yield strength, ductility, and toughness, of the composites and the unreinforced alloy were tested. It was observed that the hardness, tensile strength, yield strength, ductility, and toughness increase with a decrease in the particle size of the SiC. The increase in weight fraction of the SiC improves all the mechanical properties, except for the ductility and toughness of the composites. The results reveal that the fine 63 μm (220 mesh) SiC particles introduced superior mechanical properties compared to the intermediate 76 μm (180 mesh) SiC particles and the coarse 89 μm (150 mesh) SiC. Keywords: composites, particle size, stir casting method, weight fractions, mechanical properties Delo poro~a o u~inkih velikosti delcev SiC na mehanske lastnosti aluminijevih 8011 kompozitov. Tri razli~ne velikosti delcev SiC (63, 76, 89) μm z dvema razli~nima dele`ema te`e (2 in 4) %, oja~ane z aluminijem 8011, so bile obdelane z metodo me{anja in litja. Testirane so bile mehanske lastnosti, kot so: trdota, natezna trdnost, meja te~enja, duktilnost in`ilavost kompozitov in neoja~ane zlitine. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se trdota, natezna trdnost, meja te~enja, duktilnost in`ilavost pove~ajo z zmanj{anjem velikosti delcev SiC. Pove~anje dele`a masnega odstotka SiC izbolj{uje vse mehanske lastnosti razen razteznosti in`ilavosti kompozitov. Rezultati ka`ejo, da drobni 63 μm (220 mesh) SiC delci poka`ejo nadpovpre~ne mehanske lastnosti v primerjavi z vmesnim 76 μm (180 mesh) SiC delci in grobimi 89 μm (150 mesh) SiC. Klju~ne besede: kompoziti, velikost delcev, metoda me{anja in litja, masni dele`i, mehanske lastnosti