“…Kimbler's Double Exponential Smoothing Method Kimbler and Knight (1987) Euclidean Distance (ED) Method Lee et al (1997) Neural Networks (NN) Method Lee et al (1997) Statistical Goodness-Of-Fit Test Pawlikowski (1990) Algorithm for a Static Dataset (ASD) Bause and Eickhoff (2003) Algorithm for a Dynamic Dataset (ADD) Bause and Eickhoff (2003) Kelton and Law Regression Method Kelton and Law (1983), Law (1983), Kimbler and Knight (1987), Pawlikowski (1990), Roth and Josephy (1993), Roth (1994), Gallagher et al (1996), Law and Kelton (2000), Linton and Harmonosky (2002) Glynn & Iglehart Bias Deletion Rule Glynn and Iglehart (1987) Wavelet-Based Spectral Method (WASSP) Lada et al (2003), Lada et al (2004), Lada and Wilson (2006) Queueing Approximations Method (MSEASVT) Rossetti and Delaney (1995) Chaos Theory Methods (methods M1 and M2) Lee and Oh (1994) Kalman Filter Method Gallagher et al (1996), Law and Kelton (2000) Randomisation Tests for Initialisation Bias Yucesan (1993), Mahajan and Ingalls (2004) Initialisation bias tests Schruben's Maximum Test (STS) Schruben (1982), Law (1983), Schruben et al (1983), Yucesan (1993), Ockerman and Goldsman (1999), Law andKelton (2000) Schruben's Modified Test Schruben (1982), , Law (1983), White et al(2000), Law and Kelton (2000) Optimal Test (Brownian bridge process) …”