but taught me important lessons with respect to developing and completing quality research. I would also like to thank Drs.Bob Albin, Gary Vogel, and David Wester for serving so graciously on my graduate committee. Their time and input throughout my graduate program and research activities was second to none. Each of these people has broadened my depth of knowledge through both classroom and practical applications. The support, knowledge, and friendship provided by all my committee members are something I will be forever grateful for. This project would not have been possible without the help of many people. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the staff at the Texas Tech Burnett Center, especially Kirk Robinson and Ric Rocha. Without your help, my studies would not have been possible. A special thanks goes to all of the graduate and undergraduate students who assisted with the sometimes tedious collections that were necessary for the success of these trials. I appreciate your time and willingness to aid me during these projects. Likewise, I would like to thank Elanco Animal Health for sponsoring part of the research included in this publication. Lastly, I would like to thank my family for their support throughout my education. To my parents, Temple and Karen, my sister Kirsten, my brother Temple, and my sister-in-law Amanda, you never cease to amaze me. Thanks for everything. LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES vii ABSTRACT x CHAPTER I. LIST OF FIGURES 4-1 Adjusted daily deviation in feed deliveries 4-2 Adjusted daily deviation in feed deliveries from d 1 to 7 4-3 Adjusted daily deviation in feed deliveries from d 1 to 14 4-4 Time to consume 25% of feed intake 4-5 Time to consume 50% of feed intake 4-6 Time to consume 75% of feed intake 4-7 Time to consume 100% of feed intake 4-8. Average time to consume 25, 50, 75, and 100% of feed 5-1 Texas Tech University adjusted daily deviation in feed deliveries (28-d data) 5-2 Texas Tech University adjusted daily deviation in feed deliveries (35-d data) 5-3 Texas Tech University adjusted daily deviation in feed deliveries (42-d data) 5-4 Texas Tech University d 1 to d 7 adjusted daily deviation in feed deliveries (28-d data) 5-5 Texas Tech University d 1 to d 7 adjusted daily deviation in feed deliveries (35-d data) 5-6 Texas Tech University d 1 to d 7 adjusted daily deviation in feed deliveries (42-d data) 5-7 Texas Tech University d 1 to d 14 adjusted daily deviation in feed deliveries (28-d data) 5-8 Texas Tech University d 1 to d 14 adjusted daily deviation in feed deliveries (35-d data) 5-9 Texas Tech University d 1 to d 14 adjusted daily deviation in feed deliveries (42-d data) vii 5-10 University of Illinois adjusted daily deviation in feed deliveries (28-d data) 5-11 University of Illinois adjusted daily deviation in feed deliveries (35-d data) 5-12 University of Illinois adjusted daily deviation in feed deliveries (42-d data) 5-13 University of Illinois d 1 to d 7 adjusted daily deviation in feed deliveries (28-d data) 5-14 University of Illinois d 1...