The oxygen isotope enrichment of bulk leaf water (D b ) was measured in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) leaves to test the CraigGordon and Farquhar-Gan models under different environmental conditions. D b increased with increasing leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference (VPd) as an overall result of the responses to the ratio of ambient to intercellular vapor pressures (e a /e i ) and to stomatal conductance (g s ). The oxygen isotope enrichment of lamina water relative to source water ð D 1 Þ; which increased with increasing VPd, was estimated by mass balance between less enriched water in primary veins and enriched water in the leaf. Recently, the analysis of the oxygen isotope composition (d 18 O) of leaf water became of increased interest as a result of efforts to obtain information on the global carbon cycle Gillon and Yakir, 2001) and because of applications in agriculture (Barbour et al., 2000a). These and other applications were recently updated (Barbour, 2007;Farquhar et al., 2007). The d
18O of atmospheric CO 2 and of plant organic matter depends strongly on the extent of leaf water enrichment that occurs during transpiration (Barbour et al., 2000b) because the diffusivity and vapor pressure of heavier H 2
18O are less than that of lighter H 2 16 O (Craig and Gordon, 1965). A large portion of the CO 2 that enters the leaf equilibrates with evaporatively enriched leaf water via the catalytic activity of carbonic anhydrase, then retrodiffuses out of the leaf, increasing the d