We present the Time of Flight Fixed by Energy Estimation (TOFFEE) as a measure of the fission chain dynamics in subcritical assemblies. TOFFEE is the time between correlated gamma rays and neutrons, subtracted by the estimated travel time of the incident neutron from its proton recoil. The measured subcritical assembly was the BeRP ball, a 4.482 kg sphere of α-phase weapons grade plutonium metal, which came in five configurations: bare, 0.5, 1, and 1.5 in iron, and 1 in nickel closed fitting shell reflectors. We extend the measurement with MCNPX-PoliMi simulations of shells ranging up to 6 inches in thickness, and two new reflector materials: aluminum and tungsten. We also simulated the BeRP ball with different masses ranging from 1 to 8 kg. A two-region and single-region point kinetics models were used to model the behavior of the positive side of the TOFFEE distribution from 0 to 100 ns. The single region model of the bare cases gave positive linear correlations between estimated and expected neutron decay constants and leakage multiplications. The two-region model provided a way to estimate neutron multiplication for the reflected cases, which correlated positively with expected multiplication, but the nature of the correlation (sub or super linear) changed between material types. Finally, we found that the areal density of the reflector shells had a linear correlation with the integral of the two-region model fit. Therefore, we expect that with knowledge of reflector composition, one could determine the shell thickness, or vice versa. Furthermore, up to a certain amount and thickness of the reflector, the two-region model provides a way of distinguishing bare and reflected plutonium assemblies.Research and development is generally geared towards accounting for the differences in thermal capture He-3based systems and FNMCs [9]. As a result, the development of new measurement systems is underpinned by more or less the same multiplicity analysis developed over three decades ago. Therefore, data analysis using new measurement systems continue to require both high efficiency and accurate knowledge of the efficiency of the system. This creates A design principle that drives systems toward larger sizes and geometries that limit applications and portability. However, portability is often a feature demanded by field applications such as treaty verification and nuclear emergency response.Instead of optimizing fast organic scintillator-based systems to the design principles of multiplicity counting, we have leveraged a few key additional signatures available to these detectors while investigating new analysis methodologies:1. Prompt gamma rays released from fission, which are distinguished from neutrons with pulse shape discrimination (PSD) [10] [11] 2. Energy imparted by incident neutrons measured through proton recoil. 3. Timing between these detected events, measured with arXiv:1801.08126v1 [physics.data-an]