Due to the sudden outbreak of Covid-19 since the first quarter of the year 2020, Nigerian education has not remained the same. Different stakeholders in the education sector have invested their idea in ensuring compliance with the paradigm shift brought about by the new normal. However, the mode of ICT infrastructures and other amenities in almost all the states in Nigeria that can support virtual academic activities is in hibernation. Critically examined in this paper are the roles played by the virtual methods as teaching and learning methodologies in Nigerian schools since Covid-19 outbreak. The paper thoroughly scanned the new normal global trends in virtual education and the important roles played by ICT. Responsive academic website design and adoption, adoption of blended teaching/learning model, and use of social networks among others were identified as best practices to adopt to secure a place for education in Nigeria in the face of the imminent change in teaching methodologies post Covid-19. Furthermore, the study considered perceived challenges both teachers and learners may be confronted with in deploying relevant ICT infrastructures geared towards transitioning from traditional to online provision of services in support of teaching and learning. The paper recommended dynamism in the method of teaching delivery, urgency in the acquisition of new skill sets by academics in Nigeria, while also calling on relevant stakeholders to provide adequate funding for academic institutions to be able to deploy relevant ICT infrastructures needed to adequately support teaching and learning in a virtual environment.