Over 60 percent of all wastewater treatmentplants in the developed countries use the activated sludgeprocess as secondary treatment system. About 50 to 85 percentof the total energy consumed in a biological wastewatertreatment plant is in aeration. The activated sludge process, themost common process, is performed in large aeration basins toprovide air for microorganisms, through biodegradation, toremove nutrients and pollutants. Very often excess factor ofsafety used in design for the air supply to meet sustained peakorganic loading and to avoid endogenous situations may lead tounsatisfactory treatment performance and even plant failure.The current improper sizing of the aeration system is primarilydue to the inability to estimate the mass transfer coefficient(KLa) correctly for different tank depths, among other things,leading to improper blower design and to inappropriateoperation. In general, the efficiency of porous fine-bubblediffuser systems varies from 10 to 30 percent or more, dependingon tank depth. The term (KLa) has been used in the ASCEstandard (ASCE/EWRI 2-06) to define the apparent volumetricmass transfer coefficient in a non-steady clean water test in anaeration tank. This parameter is a function of tank depth, due tothe degree of oxygen gas depletion for each depth. The objectiveof this paper is to introduce a baseline oxygen mass transfercoefficient (KLa0), a hypothetical parameter defined as theoxygen transfer rate coefficient at zero depth, and to developnew models relating KLa to the baseline KLa0 as a function oftemperature, system characteristics (e.g., the gas flow rate, thediffuser depth Zd), and the oxygen solubility (Cs). Results of thisstudy on data extracted from the literature indicate that auniform value of KLa0 that is independent of tank depth can beobtained experimentally. Using the baseline, a family of ratingcurves for KLa20 (the standardized KLa at 20 8C) can thus beconstructed for various gas flow rates applied to various tankdepths. The new model relating KLa to the baseline KLa0 is anexponential function, and (KLa0)T is found to be inverselyproportional to the oxygen solubility (Cs)T in water to a highdegree of correlation. Using a pre-determined baseline KLa0, thenew model predicts oxygen transfer coefficients KLa20 for anytank depths to within 1~3% error compared to observedmeasurements and similarly for the standard oxygen transferefficiency (SOTE%). Therefore, the discovery of a standardbaseline (KLa0)20 determined from shop tests is important forpredicting the KLa20 value for any other aeration tank depth andgas flowrate, and this finding can be utilized in the developmentof energy optimization strategies for wastewater treatmentplants. This work may also improve the accuracy of aerationmodels used for aeration system evaluations. Water Environ.Res., 90 (2018).