The provided researches on the stock abundance dynamics of Pacific salmon in Kamchatka allowed to work out a unite scheme of harvest control rules (HCR) for the most important regional stock utits. The basis data used included the run, escapement and catch in the 1990–2010s. Theoretical and mathematical principles of substantiation the HCR, based on the use of models “stock recruitment”, are demonstrated in the article. Modeling the HCRs is made in view of precautional approuch to effects on salmon stocks, what provides keeping safe the spawning stock and supporting the runs (returns) above the critical mark (buffer reference point). The latter allows to form conditions for the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of Pacific salmon in Kamchatka. For now similar approuch to the fishery management is indispensable environmental standard of international principles of the rational use of aquatic biological resources. Moreover practical ap- plications of the HCR models suggested are demonstrated in examples of predicted estimates of the returns of the biggest units of salmon stocks of Kamchatka in 2022.