Background and Purpose: Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) combined treatment approaches, surgical and radiodiagnostic advances, respectively, lead to improved local-regional control in head neck cancer (HNC). With increasing local-regional control, distant metastases (DM) become more meaningful. In some trials without concomitant chemotherapy, induction chemotherapy (IC) resulted in an absolute reduction of DM by ~10-15%. In order to define a more efficient selection of patients at risk for DM with respect to IC and M-staging, we analysed our patients treated by contemporary standards. Patients and Methods: Between 1/2002 to 12/2007, 409 HNC patients were treated with IMRT; 303/409 (74%) underwent definitive, 106 (26%) postoperative IMRT. The mean/median follow-up was 23/20 months (3-72). 70% tolerated 4-7, 9% 1-3 cycles of simultaneous cisplatin. Treatment followed a prospectively designed protocol. In a previous study with 172 HNC IMRT patients, gross tumor volume (GTV) was found the strongest predictor for local-regional control. In the current study, this criterion has been prospectively tested for DM. Numbers needed to treat were calculated for IC. Results: DM developed in 28/399 (7%) patients; 10 presented initially with DM (total 38/409). In 13/28 (46%), DM remained the only manifestation of disease. GTV was the strongest predictor for DM (p < 0.0001) of all tested. Only 4% of patients with GTV < 70 cc developed DM, vs. 25% (18/73) with > 70 cc; only 6 of them (6/73, 8%) developed isolated DM. Conclusion: GTV was the most significant predictor for DM, that could guide selective pre-treatment M-staging. The subgroup with isolated DM in the high risk group, that could benefit from IC, is small. (Table 1). Die Therapie folgte einem prospektiv festgelegten Protokoll. In einer frĂŒheren Studie mit 172 KHTPatienten mit definitiver IMRT wurde das "gross tumor volume" (GTV) als signifikantester PrĂ€diktor fĂŒr die Lokoregionalkontrolle nachgewiesen. In der hier prĂ€sentierten Studie wurde dasselbe volumetrische Staging-System getestet hinsichtlich dessen prĂ€-diktiven Wert fĂŒr DM, um eine allfĂ€llige IC wie auch die initiale Metastasensuche selektiver auf ein Hochrisikopatientensegment beschrĂ€nken zu können. Ergebnisse: DM fanden sich bei 38/409 Patienten bzw. bei 28/399 mit initialem M0-Status (7%) (Abbildung 1, Tabelle 2); 10 Patienten hatten initial bereits DM. Bei nur 13/28 (46%) blieben DM die einzige Krankheitsmanifestation. Das GTV erwies sich als signifikantester aller getesteter MetastasenprĂ€diktoren (p < 0,0001, Abbildung 2, Tabelle 3); nur 4% der Patienten mit einem GTV < 70 cc entwickelten DM, vs. 25% (18/73) mit GTV > 70 cc, von diesen nur 6 mit isolierter DM (6/73, 8%).
IntroductionClinical implementation of intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), together with combined treatment approaches in definitive and postoperative treatment settings, surgical and radio-diagnostic advances, respectively, lead to an encouraging improvement of the loco-regional control in head and neck cancer (HNC)...