minerals are ubiquitous on the earth’s surface and
on Mars, and interactions of iron minerals with chlorate (ClO3
–) and/or nitrate (NO3
–) may influence the redox cycling of chlorine and nitrogen in the
terrestrial and Martian environments. The objective of this study
was to investigate the reactivity of two different types of synthesized
green rusts (GRs), chloride (Cl-GR) and sulfate (SO4-GR),
for ClO3
– and NO3
– reduction. Cl-GR and SO4-GR were synthesized by co-precipitation
from an FeII–FeIII (ferrous iron and
ferric iron) solution with the addition of NaOH. Both Cl-GR and SO4-GR degraded ClO3
– much faster
than NO3
–. There were no significant
competitive effects on the reduction of ClO3
– or NO3
– when both species were present
simultaneously. The FeII/FeIII ratio in GR had
a strong influence on the rates and the extents of oxyanion transformation.
Cl-GR with an FeII/FeIII ratio of 2:1 and 3:1
showed higher reactivity than 1:1 Cl-GR for both ClO3
– and NO3
– reduction. In
comparison, SO4-GR with an FeII/FeIII ratio of 1:1 transformed ClO3
– at a
higher rate than at FeII/FeIII ratios of 2:1
and 3:1. The pH effect was studied within a pH range of 4.5–8.5.
More complete ClO3
– and NO3
– transformation was achieved at pH 4.5, and the
apparent reaction rate constants decreased with increasing pH. In
all experiments, nearly 100% of the initial ClO3
– (10 mg/L) was degraded by GR except for Cl-GR with an FeII/FeIII ratio of 1:1 at pH 8.5. However, for NO3
–, there was an initial rapid transformation followed
by a period of slow or no transformation, implying the formation of
passivating products that hindered continuous NO3
– reduction. FeII did not appear to degrade NO3
– or ClO3
– at detectable
rates over the time period of interest (20 days), except at the highest
concentration studied (1000 mg/L). The reactions between GR and ClO3
– or NO3
– have
implications for the cycling of chlorine and nitrogen and the stability
of iron minerals. On Mars, these reactions may help to understand
the occurrence and distribution of ClO4
–, ClO3
–, and NO3