The aim: The purpose of this work is to analyze the literature data of scientific research of Ukrainian and foreign scientists to assess the pathogenetic mechanisms of the adaptive stress response to the condition of periodontal tissues.
Materials and methods: Bibliosematic and analytical methods were used in the trial. The materials of the trial are international experience in studying the pathogenetic mechanisms of the interaction of psycho-emotional disorders and the development of periodontal lesions.
Conclusions: Chronic stress and depression suppress the immune system, cause the hormonal imbalances, lead to metabolic disorders in tissues and increase the risk of dystrophic and inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues, which in turn lead to reduced masticatory function, tooth loss, severe emotional instability and significant reduction in quality of life. Psycho-emotional disorders in patients slow down the treatment of inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues and contribute to the early recurrence. Thus, the problem of studying the adaptive stress response of the organism requires further research for deeply understaningits role in the etiology and pathogenesis of dental diseases and justify effective treatment and prevention measures for its correction.