The analgesic efficacy of the gabapentin-tramadol combination was compared with meloxicam-tramadol and tramadol perioperative analgesic regimens in cats brought to the clinic for ovariohysterectomy. Thirty adult cats belonging to comparable demographics (age, body weight), were enrolled into a randomized, blinded study after due consent from their owners into four treatment groups. A Gabapentin-Tramadol group (GT-group, n = 10), Meloxicam-Tramadol group (MT-group, n = 10), and a Tramadol group (T-group, n = 10) were formed. Gabapentin capsules at 50 mg were administered orally 2 hours before surgery while the rest received a placebo dose. Tramadol (2 mg/kg, IM) and meloxicam at (0.2 mg/kg, SC) were injected immediately prior to anesthetic premedication. Anesthetic protocol involved premedication with ketamine and xylazine, while anesthesia was induced using propofol. Inhalant isoflurane anesthesia was used to maintain a surgical plane. GT group scored lower on IVAS as well as CPS than MT group, and T group for up to 8 hours after surgery. The mechanical nociceptive threshold remained higher (98±0) for up to 12 hours postoperatively a nd serum cortisol concentrations remained significantly lower during the 24hr period. The addition of gabapentin to the tramadol regimen significantly improved analgesia and mechanical nociceptive threshold than when used on its own.