The continual development of Novel molecular based technologies for rapid high detection of food-borne pathogenic bacteria has made the future of conventional microbiological isolation methods termingly tenous. Report by Salmonella species in children is also increasing. A study on prevalence of Salmonella in PIF was conducted. A total of 10 Powdered Infant Formula consisting of 9 foreign and 1 local brand were analysed using a total sample size of 80 units.100 milk rating was done by methylene-blue reductase test, coliform analysis by serial dilution method, salmonella isolation by Bacteriological Analytical Manual(BAM) method and membrane filtration methods, while antimicrobial susceptibility by disc diffusion method. Reports obtained revealed that 80% (8) of the milk sampled belong to class 1, while 20% (2) belong to class 2. Total coliform count of different dilutions of the 10 brands sampled contained acceptable limits of coliform contamination per gram of milk. SMA infant contained lesser coliform at the higher dilutions 10-3 , 10-2 than others, 3 bacteria isolated from the 10 brands of milk include, Salmonella species 54 (67.5%); (S.typhi, S.Paratyphi A,S. Paratyphi C,S. entericaand S.typhimorium), E. coli 25 (31.25%) and Proteus 1 (1.25). 5 different salmonella species were isolated at different frequency using BAM and membrane filtration methods. S. paratyphi C 11(36.7%) and S. paratyphi A 14 (58.3%) were isolated using BAM and membrane filtration methods. BAM method isolated a total frequency of 30(100%). Salmonella, while membrane filtration 24(100%) Salmonella species. BAM method showed the highest recovery for Salmonella specie than membrane filtration method. Comparison of recovery rate between the two methods showed a statistical difference between them (P<0.05). Antibiotic susceptibility test show that all Salmonella specie was sensitive to Ciprofloxacin at (10mg) 24 (44.46%) while penicillin (30mg) had the highest resistance 54 (100%) rate. A statistical significant difference was observed between resistant and sensitive antibodies (P<0.05). Some powdered infant Formula sold in Nnewi are contaminated with different Salmonella species especially S. Paratyphi C and though are of class1 grade, contained acceptable coliform units/g og milk sample. Recovery rate of pathogen is best when performed with BAM method.