This review provides a summary of work in the area of ensemble forecasts for weather, climate, oceans, and hurricanes. This includes a combination of multiple forecast model results that does not dwell on the ensemble mean but uses a unique collective bias reduction procedure. A theoretical framework for this procedure is provided, utilizing a suite of models that is constructed from the well-known Lorenz low-order nonlinear system. A tutorial that includes a walk-through table and illustrates the inner workings of the multimodel superensemble's principle is provided. Systematic errors in a single deterministic model arise from a host of features that range from the model's initial state (data assimilation), resolution, representation of physics, dynamics, and ocean processes, local aspects of orography, water bodies, and details of the land surface. Models, in their diversity of representation of such features, end up leaving unique signatures of systematic errors. The multimodel superensemble utilizes as many as 10 million weights to take into account the bias errors arising from these diverse features of multimodels. The design of a single deterministic forecast models that utilizes multiple features from the use of the large volume of weights is provided here. This has led to a better understanding of the error growths and the collective bias reductions for several of the physical parameterizations within diverse models, such as cumulus convection, planetary boundary layer physics, and radiative transfer. A number of examples for weather, seasonal climate, hurricanes and sub surface oceanic forecast skills of member models, the ensemble mean, and the superensemble are provided.A suite of models, each of which carry somewhat different representation of the above processes, can be combined to reduce the collective local biases in space, time, and for different variables from the different models. That is the theme of the multimodel superensemble. The multimodel superensemble (which is not an ensemble mean) utilizes as many as ten million weights toward the reduction of such systematic errors. This figure of 10 million comes from the products of the three-dimensional grid points, the number of dependent variables, the number of models, and the number of forecast intervals in time.The notion of the multimodel superensemble was first described in Krishnamurti et al. [1999]. This utilizes a training and a forecast phase. The training phase learns from the recent past performances of models and is used to determine statistical weights from a least square minimization via a simple multiple regression. That regression is carried out with respect to analyzed (assimilated) values. Given a number of grid locations, base variables, forecast intervals, and a suite of models, the number of statistical weights can be as high as 10 7 . That many coefficients are needed because of different responses to physical parameterizations of local features such as water bodies, local mountain features, and land surface details within d...