The controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) induction method is emerging as a leading geophysical technique in hydrogeological studies. However, the technique is quite often misunderstood compared to other common techniques of applied geophysics: namely, seismic reflection and refraction, magnetics, gravity, and ground-penetrating radar (GPR). In this chapter we review the fundamental physical principles behind the CSEM prospecting technique, with emphasis on near-surface applications, and present some recent advances in this field that have been made by the authors. CSEM methods are defined here to be those in which the experimenter has knowledge of and control over the electromagnetic field transmitted into the ground and hence excludes magnetotellurics, related naturalsource methods, and the various uncontrolled-source methods involving, for example, radio transmissions.CSEM methods for investigating subsurface geology began in earnest in the 1950s and 1960s with the advent of airborne systems mainly for mining applications. Later, with the development of portable and inexpensive ground-based instruments, CSEM systems were applied to groundwater prospecting in arid or hard-rock environments. Due to the upsurge in interest in environmental applications in the past one or two decades, the CSEM method is currently experiencing a rapid growth in use by hydrogeologists, civil and geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists, and others not trained specifically in the technique.The CSEM method is sensitive to electrical conductivity averaged over the volume of ground in which induced electric currents are caused to flow. Amongst the surface-based geophysical methods that sense bulk electrical properties of the ground, CSEM offers deeper penetration capability than GPR techniques and greater resolving power than DC resistivity methods. The CSEM method performs well in conductive soils or high radar reflectivity zones where GPR often encounters difficulties. The CSEM method also performs well in highly resistive terrains where establishing good electrode contact with the ground, as required for most DC methods, often is problematic.
157Y. Rubin and S. S. Hubbard (eds.), Hydrogeophysics, 157-183.