Drone delivery in city logistics is gaining attention due to road congestion, environmental threats, etc. However, there are risks associated with using drones which can result in hazardous events, such as conflicts in the air, loss of control, and system failures. It is crucial to assess the risks involved in using different types of drones and choose the option with the lowest risk. The existence of different criteria important for this decision imposes the need to apply the multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method(s). This paper proposes a new hybrid model that combines the fuzzy Factor Relationship (FARE) method for obtaining the criteria weights and the Axial Distance-based Aggregated Measurement (ADAM) method for obtaining the final ranking of the alternatives. A single-rotor microdrone weighing up to 4.4 lb was chosen as the optimal solution, and after that, the most favorable are also the drones of this size (multi-rotor and fixed-wing microdrones). The establishment of a novel hybrid MCDM model, the identified risks, the set of criteria for evaluating the least risky drones, and the framework for prioritizing the drones are the main novelties and contributions of the paper.