The adoption of legume cover crops in no-tillage system can contribute to improve soil fertility by providing several benefits, including reduction in soil erosion, suppression of weed growth and N supply to subsequent crops. We conducted a field study to investigate the effect of cover crops and nitrogen fertilization rates on yield and nitrogen use efficiency of waxy corn (Zea mays L.) in no-tillage upland field. Two legume cover crops, hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) and crimson clover (Trifolium incarnuturn L.) were mechanically terminated with roller in early June. For each cover crop treatment, nitrogen (N) fertilizer was applied at three different rates (145, 72.5 and 0 kg N ha). The growth and yield characteristics of corn were significantly affected by the N fertilization rates in crimson clover plots, which suggest N mineralization from the cover crop residue was not sufficient. In contrast, N fertilization rates had no significant effect on growth and yield of corn in hairy vetch plots, indicating that the amount of N released from the cover crop is large enough to meet most of the N requirement of corn. However, the application of N fertilizer in hairy vetch cover plots resulted in slight increase of crop yield, though not statically significant, and high levels of N concentration in corn plant tissue possibly due to luxury consumption of N. Organic residues on the soil surface in hairy vetch cover plots had substantial amounts of N after harvest, ranging from 100 to 116 kg N ha, which is presumably retained during winter season and released by microbial mineralization in subsequent year. The highest nitrogen yield efficiency was achieved in the plot with hairy vetch cover and no N fertilizer application, followed by the plot with hairy vetch cover and 72.5 kg N ha -1 fertilization rate. In conclusion, hairy vetch showed better performance in corn productivity as compared with crimson clover. In addition, it was concluded that the application of N fertilizer between 0 and 72.5 kg N ha -1 in combination with hairy vetch cover crop might be most efficient for corn yield under no-tillage system with climatic and soil characteristics similar to those of the experimental site.