Contour hedgerow intercropping systems have been proposed as an alterna ve to tradi onal agricultural prac ce with a single crop, as they are eff ec ve in reducing run-off and soil erosion. However, compe on for water and nutrients between crops and associated hedgerows may reduce the overall performance of these systems. To get a more detailed understanding of the compe on for water, spa ally resolved monitoring of soil water contents in the soilplant-atmosphere system is necessary. Electrical resis vity tomography (ERT) is poten ally a valuable technique to monitor changes in soil moisture in space and me. In this study, the performance of diff erent ERT electrode arrays to detect the soil moisture dynamics in a mono-and an intercropping system was tested. Their performance was analyzed based on a synthe c study using geophysical measures, such as data recovery and resolu on, and using spa al sta s cs of retrieved water content, such as an adjusted coeffi cient of varia on and semivariances. The synthe c ERT measurements detected diff erences between the cropping systems and retrieved spa al structure of the soil moisture distribu on, but the variance and semivariance were underes mated. Sharp water content contrasts between horizons or in the neighborhood of a root water uptake bulb were smoothened. The addi on of electrodes deeper in the soil improved the performance, but some mes only marginally. ERT is therefore a valuable tool for soil moisture monitoring in the fi eld under diff erent cropping systems if an electrode array is used which can resolve the pa erns expected to be present in the medium. The use of spa al sta s cs allowed to not only iden fy the overall model recovery, but also to quan fy the recovery of spa al structures.Abbrevia ons: ERT, electrical resis vity tomography.