Abstract. In this study, the seasonal succession of the diatoms on Phragmites australis community was investigated in Lake Mogan (Turkey), and the epiphytic diatom community was used to estimate the ecological condition of the lake. Five stations were chosen in the littoral region of the lake, and diatom samples were taken from the P. australis monthly between January and November 2013. Two stations were selected in the pelagial region and chlorophyll a concentrations were determined. Lake water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen concentration, conductivity and Secchi depths were measured, and total nitrogen, total phosphorus and silicate were analyzed. A total of 61 epiphytic diatom species were identified in Lake Mogan. The dominant species were those with tolerance to α-β mesosaprobic conditions. According to the mean Secchi depth, chlorophyll and total phosphorus concentrations, the lake was eutrophic. The IDG, IPS, DESCY, WAT, IDP and TDI indices, calculated according to epiphytic diatoms, indicated an ecological quality between medium and poor (classes III-IV). Among them, IDG and IPS are recommended for monitoring of ecological status in the lake because these indices also integrated all diatom taxa within the samples. The occurrence of pollution-tolerant species and the fact that most indices showed an ecological quality of medium or poor indicated an increase of organic matter and eutrophication in Lake Mogan.