In present study, chicken fillets were coated with chitosan and cinnamon oil by three methods viz., spraying, brushing and dipping and shelf-life of coated meat were studied. Efficiency of coating material and three methods of application were determined through shelf-life studies of coated meat under refrigeration conditions (4±1°C). Based on the results of physico-chemical, sensory and microbial characteristics, spraying method had lower Tyrosine Value, Thiobarbituric Acid number, Standard Plate count, drip loss and higher sensory scores compared to other methods of application. Extract Release Volume and Water Holding Capacity decreased significantly (P less than 0.05) with storage period in all the samples. However spraying had comparatively lower values/or higher water holding capacity. Hunter color values did not differ significantly with storage and between treatments though brushing and dipping samples had comparatively higher yellowness and lightness but lower redness value. Spraying of chicken breast extended the shelf life of chicken breast upto 7 days compared to 3 to 5 days for control and treatments.