“…For the iron concentration in seeds, the P 1 × P 2 contrast was not significant for any of the hybrid combinations, indicating no genetic variability between the parents, in contrast with the observations of Ribeiro et al (2014a) for the IAC Boreal, Light Red Kidney and Ouro Branco cultivars. In this case, the differences in the soil pH, soil iron content and amount of precipitation during the growing season explain the variation that was observed in the iron concentrations of common bean seeds (Moraghan, Padilha, Etchevers, Grafton, & Acosta-Gallegos, 2002;Silva, Abreu, Ramalho, & Corrêa, 2012b;Petry, Boy, Wirth, & Hurrell, 2015;Possobom et al, 2015).…”