Yuzu (Citrus junos) gummosis disease, caused by Phytophthora nicotianae, was first reported in 1997. As known in citrus, Phytophthora is the most fastidious soil-borne pathogen to control. In order to minimize its damage to Citrus spp., integrated pest management (IPM) approach, including fungicide chemicals and resistant cultivars, is necessary. Therefore, in this study we tried to evaluate tolerance of yuzu cultivars and its related species against yuzu Phytophthora. Trifoliate orange was evaluated as a susceptible host to yuzu Phytophthora by both mycelial growth onto extract media and immature fruit inoculation. However, in zoospores spray-inoculation on 2-year-old cuttings tree, trifoliate orange appeared to have a resistant property as showing less than 6% diseased leaf rate. Among yuzu cultivars only 'Namhae No. 1' appeared resistant property against both P. nicotianae and P. citrophthora. The 'Namhae No. 1' showed 5.7% and 10.6% diseased leaf ratio by P. nicotianae and P. citrophthora, respectively. Clearly, in order to reduce damages caused by two yuzu Phytophthora, we suggest that growers may utilize a trifoliate orange as a rootstock and 'Namhae No. 1' as a scion for fruit production.