De Vries, T. J. 2010. Review: Behaviour and its role in the nutritional management of the growing dairy heifer. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 90: 295Á302. There has recently been a significant increase in the amount of scientific research relating dairy cattle behaviour to nutritional management, particularly with respect to the interaction with health. Much of this research has been focused on using information on the natural behavioural patterns of dairy cattle to improve management practices. As with calves and mature dairy cattle, the behaviour of growing replacement dairy heifers interacts with various nutritional management practices. For replacement dairy heifers, much of the research in this area has been focused on how these interactions relate to different feed delivery methods, the amount of feed provided, and stocking density at the feed bunk. This review describes empirical work focused on understanding how nutritional management practices affect heifer behaviour, and how these practices may affect the health, productivity, and welfare of these animals. In particular, evidence will be provided for those practices (such as total mixed ration feeding, feeding for ad libitum intake, and reducing feed bunk competition) that promote feeding behaviour patterns related to more consistent nutrient intake and improved rumen health. Even though the behavioural effects of these nutritional practices are known, additional research is still needed to further demonstrate the possible physiological consequences (e.g., rumen pH, growth rate) of these changes in behaviour. This information is needed so that further recommendations can be made on these practices so these animals may be raised for maximum production potential, while maintaining their behavioural needs, health and overall welfare.Key words: Behaviour, nutritional management, replacement dairy heifer De Vries, T. J. 2010. Le comportement et son roˆle dans la gestion de la nutrition des ge´nisses laitie`res en croissance. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 90: 295Á302. On a assiste depuis peu a`une intensification importante des recherches scientifiques sur les liens entre le comportement des bovins laitiers et la prise en charge de leur nutrition, surtout sur le plan de la sante´. Une bonne partie de ces travaux font appel a`l'information sur le comportement naturel des animaux pour ame´liorer les pratiques d'e´levage. Comme c'est le cas avec les veaux et les bovins laitiers adultes, le comportement des ge´nisses de remplacement en croissance influe sur diverses pratiques en matie`re de nutrition. La recherche correspondante sur les ge´nisses laitie`res de remplacement se concentre dans une large mesure sur les interactions du comportement avec les me´thodes de distribution des aliments, la quantite´d'aliments fournie et la densite´de peuplement aux mangeoires. Cet article de´crit les travaux empiriques visant a`e´lucider la manie`re dont les techniques de prise en charge de l'alimentation influent sur le comportement des ge´nisses, et sur la fac¸on dont pareilles pratiques influ...