Objective: This study aimed to retrospectively evaluate the diseases of calves. Surgically encountered diseases, causes, indicated treatment methods, and possible complications were evaluated and it was thought to contribute to scientific and clinical studies on this subject.
Material-Method: The material of this study consisted of a total of 150 calves of different breeds, ages, and sexes brought to Aksaray University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Animal Hospital Surgery Clinic between December 2017 and 2023 due to various problems.
Result: In terms of surgical diseases, 37.3% of 150 calves were soft tissue, 56.6% orthopedics, 2% ophthalmology, and 4% neurology cases. Congenital anomalies were found in 44.65% of 56 patients with soft tissue disease. Orthopedic examination revealed, 57.1% of the cases had fractures, 23.8% had arthritis and 19% had tendon diseases. It was determined that 37.3% of the surgical cases between 2017 and 2023 were soft tissue-related. In addition to soft tissue diseases, there were 5 ophthalmologic cases, including orbital mass (n=2) and dermoid cyst (n=3)
Conclusion Finally, while cattle breeding has great economic importance in our country, calf losses occur due to economic conditions such as artificial insemination errors, irregular registration systems, lack of standardization of care and housing, incorrect intervention of the patient owner, and treatment costs. It is envisaged that economic losses will be minimized with early diagnosis, early intervention, appropriate medical treatment, and surgical treatment options.