Abutilon pannosum (AP) and Grewia tenax (GT) is a significant medicinal plant widely used in the kachchh region against several diseases. This study was devoted to the determination of antioxidant activity of A. pannosum and G. tenax leaf. Determination of antioxidant activity (AOA) after their successive soxhlet extraction using various solvents with different polarities like n-hexane, benzene, chloroform, acetone, ethyl acetate, acetonitrile and ethanol and also petroleum ether, isopropanol, methanol and water. In the present study following findings were observed: (i) Determination of the AOA in different solvent leaf extracts (DSE) of AP and GT by 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), total antioxidant capacity (TAC) by the phosphomolybdenum method (PM) and 2, 2-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonate) (ABTS) method. All these AOA increased with increasing concentrations in a quantity dependent method. The AOA was measured with IC 50 values of the extracts ranged between AP: 0.338μg/ml to 1.460μg/ml and GT: 0.023μg/ml to 0.652μg/ml. IC 50 values is contrariwise proportional to the AOA of plant extracts. The lowest IC 50 revenues had the maximum antioxidant capacity. The maximum radical scavenging effect was detected in AP (with IC 50 = 0.338μg ml/1by methanolic fraction of ethyl acetate) and GT (with IC 50 = 0.023μg/ml by the methanolic fraction of acetone). We conclude after the some contact interval there were no significant change could be shown in some types of sample extract. The data obtained in the present study suggests that the different solvent extract and its methanolic fraction of AP and GT leaves have potent antioxidant activity against free radicals, prevent oxidative damage to major biomolecules and afford significant protection against oxidative damage in the liver.
Evaluation of Antioxidant Activities by use of Various Extracts from Abutilon Pannosum and Grewia Tenax in the Kachchh Region 2/13Copyright: ©2017 Aadesariya et al.separately. Therefore, in many studies, several intermediate extractions are used to ensure a maximum extraction of the available antioxidants [11].In present work anti-oxidant activity of two medicinal plant A. pannosum and G. tenax leaf extracts were evaluated with use of different solvent according to their polarity (like n-hexane, benzene, chloroform, acetone, ethyl acetate, acetonitrile and ethanol and also petroleum ether, isopropanol, methanol and water respectively) by using DPPH, TAC and ABTS. These methods are illustrious by their mechanism of action and would be corresponding to the work of the antioxidant potential of plants. In addition, all extracts were further fractionated by using methanol with reflux through the condenser. After that methanolic fractions were again used for AOA by use of two methods (DPPH and TAC) for evaluation of plant sample activity. Methanol solvent was used in the partition and separation of the various metabolites of different polarity solvents extract as per their solubility. The prospective antioxid...