Mineral nutrient stress is one o f the ma jor yield gap factors, especially in floodplain and piedmont plain soil. The compositional nutrient diagnosis (CND) provides a plant nutrient imbalance index in statistical distribution patterns, which is important for adjusting the soil-plant systems specific fertilization for maintaining sustainable soil fertility. This study calculated the CND norms o f wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and identified optimum wheat yield target of high-yielding subpopulation in farmers' fields. It also categorized the most yield limiting nutrient(s) for wheat grown. Popular high-yielding wheat was grown in 62 farmers' fields, maintaining farmers' nutrient management plan (FP) and improved nutrient management plan (INM). Nutrient composition analysis was done from 62 young foliar composite samples, collected at 7 th leaves stage (vegetative stage). The CND generic model gave 3.47 Mg ha -1 as minimum cutoff yield of the high-yield subpopulation. Nitrogen was identified as the core yield limiting nutrient for wheat in piedmont and floodplain soils. However, the yield limiting nutrients for wheat grown in the studied are were established the following series: N > S > K , Mg >P, Ca and Mn >Fe >B >Zn respectively. The CND generic model, allowed us to suggest that N, P, K, Mn, B were the factors discriminating high-from low-yielding subpopulation in piedmont plain and floodplain soils of Bangladesh.