The composition and distribution of triaromatic steroid hydrocarbons in oil residues after biodegradation and photo-oxidation processes were detected, and the diagnostic ratios for oil spill identification were developed and evaluated based on the relative standard deviation (RSD) and the repeatability limit. The preferential loss of C 27 methyl triaromatic steranes (MTAS) relative to C 28 MTAS and C 29 MTAS was shown during the photo-oxidation process. In contrast to the photochemical degradation, the MTAS with the original 20R biological configuration was preferentially degraded during the biodegradation process. The RSD of most of the diagnostic ratios of MTAS ranged from 9 to 84% during the photooxidation process. However, the RSDs of such ratios derived from MTAS were all <5% even in high biodegradation, and such parameters may also provide new methods on oil spill identification. The parameters of monoaromatic sterane and monoaromatic sterane are not used well for oil spill identification after photo-oxidation. The triaromatic steroid hydrocarbons retained their molecular compositions after biodegradation and photo-oxidation and most of the diagnostic ratios derived from them could be efficiently used in oil spill identification.
Environmental impactThe identication of oil spill sources is, in many cases, critical for providing forensic evidence in the investigation of oil spill accidents and settling disputes related to liability. The "multicriteria approach" for spill source identication is necessary. Besides the biological action, sunlight irradiation is another effect which alters the physicochemical properties of crude oil in the natural environment. In this paper, weathering effects on aromatic steroid hydrocarbon distribution in crude oils and oil residues derived from China were quantitatively studied and a number of diagnostic indices are developed and evaluated for oil correlation and differentiation.