The COVID-19 global epidemic, which emerged in China at the beginning of 2020 and spread throughout the world after a certain period of time, affected many mobilities (people, capital, goods, trade, migration, etc.) on a national, regional and global scale, but among these, tourism mobility has been affected the most. Prohibiting the flow of tourists, closing country borders, cessation of flights and banning the crossing of even national borders for a certain time has brought tourism mobility to a complete halt in many countries of the world. Although a partial increase has incurred in traveling with the transition to the "New Normal Period", it has been difficult to return to the tourism activity of the former normal period that modern people are used to, it has not been possible to carry out the usual tourism activities of previous years, therefore different tourism activities from the ones we are familiar with will develop in the upcoming period and it is predicted that tourism practices will develop and the dimensions, quality, scope and outlook of tourism mobility will change. Therefore, the way to understand this changing new form of tourism is to reveal the quantitative and qualitative differences between the familiar tourism mobility of the former normal and the relatively controlled tourism mobility of the new normal and look at the general outlook of this change. However, to understand the general picture, it is necessary to examine the cyclical flow of millions of people from their regions of origin to the target regions, not just one direction of the mobility. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of Covid-19 on tourism mobility in Turkey, and try to understand the changing dimensions of tourism mobility. Data from UNWTO, OECD, the World Bank, the Ministry for Culture and Tourism as well as data regarding incoming and outgoing tourists for travel purposes after the Covid-19 process collated by TURKSTAT have been used in this study in line with this aim. Tourism mobility before and after covid-19 was compared according to the data, the changed outlook of mutually realized mobility was interpreted and this new form of tourism mobility in Turkey was evaluated. 2020 yılının başlarında Çin'de ortaya çıkan ve daha sonra dünyanın geneline yayılan COVID-19 küresel salgını ulusal, bölgesel ve küresel ölçekteki birçok hareketliliği (insan, sermaye, mal, ticaret, göç vs.) etkilemiş, ancak bunlar içerisinde en fazla etkilenen ise turizm hareketliliği olmuştur. Turist akışının yasaklanması, ülke sınırlarının kapatılması, uçak seferlerinin durdurulması ve ulusal sınırlar içerisinde bile geçişlere belli bir süre izin verilmemesi, dünyanın birçok ülkesinde turizm hareketliliğini tamamen durma noktasına getirmiştir. Her ne kadar "Yeni Normal Dönem"e geçişle birlikte seyahatlerde kısmi bir artış görülse de, modern insanın alıştığı eski normal dönemin turizm hareketliliğine geri dönüşün zor olduğu, geçmiş yıllarda alışılmış olan turizm faaliyetlerini gerçekleştirmenin mümkün olmadığı, dolayısıyla önümüzde...