Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is tasked with the development of reactor physics analysis capability for the Next Generation Nuclear Power (NGNP) project. In order to examine INL's current prismatic reactor deterministic analysis tools, the project is conducting a benchmark exercise based on modeling the High Temperature Test Reactor (HTTR). This exercise entails the development of a model for the initial criticality, a 19-fuel column thin annular core, and the fully loaded core critical condition with 30 fuel columns. Special emphasis is devoted to the annular core modeling, which shares more characteristics with the NGNP base design. The DRAGON code is used in this study because it offers significant ease and versatility in modeling prismatic designs. Despite some geometric limitations, the code performs quite well compared to other lattice physics codes. DRAGON can generate transport solutions via collision probability (CP), method of characteristics (MOC), and discrete ordinates (Sn). A fine group cross-section library based on the SHEM 281 energy structure is used in the DRAGON calculations. HEXPEDITE is the hexagonal-z full-core solver used in this study and is based on the Green's Function solution of the transverse-integrated equations. In addition, two Monte Carlo (MC) based codes, MCNP5 and PSG2/SERPENT, as well as the deterministic transport code INSTANT, provide benchmarking capability for the DRAGON and HEXPEDITE. The results from this study show reasonable agreement in the calculation of the core multiplication factor with the MC methods, but a consistent bias of 2-3% with the experimental values is obtained. This systematic error has also been observed in other HTTR benchmark efforts and is well documented in the literature. The uncertainty in the graphite impurity appears to be the main source of the error, whereas inaccuracies in the ENDF/B-VII graphite and U 235 cross-sections have a secondary effect. The isothermal temperature coefficients calculated with the fully loaded core configuration agree well with other benchmark participants but are 40% higher than the experimental values. This discrepancy with the measurement partially stems from the fact that during the experiments the control rods were adjusted to maintain criticality, whereas in the model, the rod positions were fixed. In addition, this work includes a brief study of a cross-section generation approach that seeks to decouple the domain in order to account for neighbor effects. This spectral interpenetration is a dominant effect in annular HTR physics. This analysis methodology should be further explored in order to reduce the error that is systematically propagated in the traditional generation of cross-sections.
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