It was observed that the biometric indicators of spring wheat varieties were significantly affected by irrigation rates and periods, and it was determined that the biometric indicators changed accordingly. With the increase in the number of irrigations, it became impossible to increase the productivity. In the options of wet tillering (FON), FON+2 irrigation, Fon+3 and Fon+4 irrigation, the mass of grain in one ear is from 1.26 to 1.56 g in Semurg variety, from 1.05 to 1.35 g in South Gavhari variety, respectively. up to 1.29 g to 1.67 g in the Saratov variety. The weight of 1000 grains also varies according to irrigation options, from 40.0 g to 42.0 g in the Semurg variety, from 32.5 to 35.4 g in the Janub gavhari variety, from 39.4 to 41.5 g in the Saratov variety. formed The yield was higher in the FON+3 irrigation option compared to other options. In this case, it was 44.0 t/ha in the Semurg variety, 42.8 t/ha in the Southern Gem, and 46.7 t/ha in the Saratov variety. In this option, the yield of varieties was higher by 24.3-26.2 t/ha compared to the average wet storage (FON) option, and by 15.0-16.5 t/ha compared to the FON+2 irrigation option.