This article reviews waste generation rates, waste composition and waste management practices in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) around the world, reporting on current management practices, waste prevention and diversion initiatives, separate collection at source and zero-waste approaches. The average waste generation rate was 0.19 ± 0.21 kg/d·person (median 0.093 kg/d·person). On average, organic waste reached 30 ± 19% of total waste, followed by paper and cardboard (23 ± 13%) and plastics (18 ± 11%). Common minority material components included glass and metals, with 3 ± 3% each. Yard waste, hazardous waste and electronics were only reported for some cases. The applied methodologies for the minimization of waste and the valorization of resources for a more circular campus were discussed. Key measures to reduce paper, packaging and food waste were reviewed, as well as examples of recommended good practices. Waste management in HEIs is considered a complex task, which requires multidisciplinary and experienced managers, stakeholder engagement, effective communication and collaborative research work. Collection at source of the organic, wet fraction separated from the rest of the waste is considered a basic and imperative requirement, while the separate collection of other materials will depend on the particular case, but the participation and awareness of the entire HEI community appears to be essential. Prevention measures also require acceptance by the community. Following the analyzed literature, a methodology was proposed for the sustainable management of waste in HEIs, taking as a reference the PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check/Analyze and Act/Adjust).