Ports have an important place in the development of a country. Changes in port outputs and port concentrations should be taken into account to analyze the scope of this development and its distribution within a country. Thus, regional recovery and development movements related to ports help reveal changes in trade patterns and cargo flows in the region. This article examines the changes in container volume of port authorities in Turkey between 2004 and 2022 and the concentration and spread trends of containerization. The purpose of this is to provide a perspective to decision-makers in determining future development and investment strategies as a result of determining the current situation of Turkish ports. In this study, Gini Coefficient and Shift-Share analysis methods were used. The necessary data for these analysis methods were obtained from the official institutions of the Republic of Turkey. The results show that state ports, which dominated the Turkish container market in the past, are being replaced by private ports that can respond quickly to demands and offer efficient container operations thanks to their advanced technology infrastructures, due to their heavy and non-dynamic structures.