A B S T R A C T The effect of dexamethasone on adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) phosphodiesterase activity in cultured HTC hepatoma cells was investigated.Homogenates of these cells contain phosphodiesterase activity with two apparent Michaelis constants for cANIP (2-5 uM and 50 uM). At all substrate concentrations tested, phosphodiesterase activity was decreased 25-40% in cells incubated for 36 hr or ;nore with 1 FAM dexamethasone. Acid phosphatase activity in the same cells was not decreased. a-Methyl testosterone, 1 FAM, was without effect on phosphodiesterase activity.Incubation for 10 min with epinephrine plus theophylline increased the cAMP content of the HTC cells 3-to 6-fold. In cells incubated for 72 hr with dexamethasone, the basal concentration of cAMP was slightly increased and the increment produced by epinephrine plus theophylline was markedly increased. We believe that in many cells the so-called permissive effects of steroid hormones on cAMP mediated processes may be due to an effect of these hormones on cAMP phosphodiesterase activity similar to that observed in HTC cells incubated with dexamethasone.
INTRODUCTIONIn several tissues, the effects of hormones that presumably elevate the intracellular concentrationi of cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cANIP)1 are enhanced by steroid hormones (1-3). WAe recently observed that Received for publication 25 April 1972 and in revised form 6 July 1972. 1Abbreviations used in this paper: cAMP, cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate ; dexamethasone,9-fluoro-1l 1%-17,21-trihyd r oxy-16a-methyl-pregma-1,4-diene-3,20-dione,21-phosphate; a-methyl-testosterone, 17-methyl-4-androsten-3-one; PGE1, prostaglandin E1. the cAMP content of HTC hepatoma cells was increased several fold within 10 min after addition of epinephrine (or isoproterenol) and the increment was greater in cells that had been previously incubated with dexamethasone. This effect of dexamethasone and the so-called permissive effects of specific steroid hormones on cAMP mediated processes in other tissues could be secondary to a steroid-induced decrease in cAMP degradation. The homogeneous population of cultured cells appeared to offer an excellent system for investigation of the effects of a steroid hormone on cAMP phosphodiesterase activity. We found, as reported below, that phosphodiesterase activity was markedly decreased by incubation of HTC cells with dexamethasone. These observations are consistent with the view that the permissive effects of certain steroid hormones on processes regulated by cAMP may be the result of steroid-induced diminution in cAMP phosphodiesterase activity.
METHODSHTC cells were maintained in monolayer cultures in 250 ml plastic Falcon flasks in Eagle's basal medium (Grand Island Biological Co., Grand Island, N. Y.) supplemented with Earle's salts, 10% fetal calf serum (Grand Island Biological Co.), 2 mm glutamine, 100 U/ml penicillin, and 100 jg/ml streptomycin at 36°C. Cells were detached from the flasks with trypsin, and 4-5 X 105 cells were added to Op...