Melanomas are malignant tumours, which originate from melanocytes. Melanocytes originate from the neural crest cells and then migrate to various tissues in the body during the course of development. Sinonasal melanoma are rare tumours and the aetiopathogenesis, treatment and staging of the tumours are still an area of debate. There remains paucity of studies dealing exclusively with sinonasal melanoma. We attempt to make a comprehensive study of the disease by reviewing the existing literature on sinonasal melanoma.
METHODOLOGYReview of existing literature on the melanoma of nose and paranasal sinus.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe melanoma of the sinonasal tract are rare and account for 1% of all melanoma. The aetiology of the tumour is still debated and the behaviour of the tumour remains conspicuously different both genetically and clinically from its cutaneous counterpart. Surgery remains the mainstay of treatment, though newer modalities are being explored. The prognosis of these tumours remain grim with a 5-year survival rate of about 25%.
CONCLUSIONEarly diagnosis, histopathological confirmation and aggressive control of the primary tumour is the standard modality of treatment. The molecular biology and genetics of the tumour are an interesting field of research and targeted therapy may hold the key to improve the outcome in the future.