Reliable high-resolution 3-D characterization of aquifers helps to improve our understanding of flow and transport processes when small-scale structures have a strong influence. Crosshole ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a powerful tool for characterizing aquifers due to the method's high-resolution and sensitivity to porosity and soil water content. Recently, a novel GPR full-waveform inversion algorithm was introduced, which is here applied and used for 3-D characterization by inverting six crosshole GPR cross-sections collected between four wells arranged in a square configuration close to the Thur River in Switzerland. The inversion results in the saturated part of this gravel aquifer reveals a significant improvement in resolution for the dielectric permittivity and electrical conductivity images compared to ray-based methods. Consistent structures where acquisition planes intersect indicate the robustness of the inversion process. A decimetre-scale layer with high dielectric permittivity was revealed at a depth of 5-6 m in all six cross-sections analysed here, and a less prominent zone with high dielectric permittivity was found at a depth of 7.5-9 m. These high-permittivity layers act as low-velocity waveguides and they are interpreted as high-porosity layers and possible zones of preferential flow. Porosity estimates from the permittivity models agree well with estimates from Neutron-Neutron logging data at the intersecting diagonal planes. Moreover, estimates of hydraulic permeability based on flowmeter logs confirm the presence of zones of preferential flow in these depth intervals. A detailed analysis of the measured data for transmitters located within the waveguides, revealed increased trace energy due to late-arrival elongated wave trains, which were observed for receiver positions straddling this zone. For the same receiver positions within the waveguide, a distinct minimum in the trace energy was visible when the transmitter was located outside the waveguide. A novel amplitude analysis was proposed to explore these maxima and minima of the trace energy. Laterally continuous low-velocity waveguides and their boundaries were identified in the measured data alone. In contrast to the full-waveform inversion, this method follows a simple workflow and needs no detailed and time consuming processing or inversion of the data. Comparison with the full-waveform inversion results confirmed the presence of the waveguides illustrating that full-waveform inversion return reliable results at the highest resolution currently possible at these scales. We envision that full-waveform inversion of GPR data will play an important role in a wide range of geological, hydrological, glacial and periglacial studies in the critical zone.