Quality changes of mango with regard to water mobility and ice crystals were studied at different storage temperatures for 6 months. Mangoes were stored in the glassy state (T [−80 and − 60 C] < T g 0 and T g 0 < T [−49 C] < T g 00), partially freezeconcentrated state (T g 00 < T [−38 C] < T m 0), and rubbery state (T [−18 C] > T m 0). Results indicated that the most samples stored at −80 and − 60 C had no significant difference in the water mobility, freezable water, drip loss, and vitamin C after the same storage period. The T g 0 and T g 00 showed a different effect on the quality stability of frozen mangoes. In the glassy state, changes in water state, freezable water, and ice crystal size of frozen samples were slower, resulting in lower rate of quality changing (L* value, hardness, and vitamin C) than other conditions from 0 to 6 months. Practical applications: This study demonstrated the correlation between the water mobility and ice crystals of mango revealing the mechanism of physical and chemical changes in samples stored at different states during frozen storage. Compared to the partially freeze-concentrated and rubbery state storages, the glassy state storage reduced the rate of the quality change in mangoes over time. Therefore, glassy state storage (below T g 00) has great potential for the food processing industry because it can improve frozen storage strategies and extend the shelf life of frozen mango during long-term storage. 1 | INTRODUCTION Mango is a tropical fruit and a rich source of vitamins, carotenoids, polyphenols, and other bioactive compounds (Zhao, Liu, Wen, Xiao, & Ni, 2015). However, mangoes are perishable and have a relatively short storage life. Freezing is a suitable method to preserve the quality attributes of mango and extend its shelf life (Zhao et al., 2017). It is well documented that at temperatures below the glass transition temperature, the molecular diffusion and the rates of deteriorative reactions are significantly reduced, and thus foods are relatively stable in the glassy sate (Aktaş & Akköse, 2011; Roos, 1998). For frozen foods (high water content foods), their maximum stability can be obtained when the freezable water transforms into ice crystals and the temperatures are maintained below their characteristic glass transition temperatures (Fabra, Talens, Moraga, & Martínez-Navarrete,-2009). The stability of frozen foods depends on characteristic glass transition temperatures of the maximal-freeze-concentration condition (T g 0 , T g 00) and characteristic end point of freezing temperature (T m 0) (Rahman, 2010; Zhang et al., 2018). The temperatures below T g 0 are recommended as safe storage temperatures for foods containing freezable water (frozen food systems) (Syamaladevi, Sablani, Tang, Powers, & Swanson, 2011). However, when the storage temperatures are above T m 0 , the mangoes become lower viscosity and higher molecular mobility because the frozen matrices are plasticized by melting of † Xian-Xian Li and Jin-Hong Zhao equally contributed to this paper.