235 U neutron-induced fission cross-section is commonly used as reference for determining other isotope fission cross-section. However, below 150 keV this cross section is only included as Standard at the thermal point and recently its integral value between 7.8 eV and 11 eV [1]. The resolved resonance region, spanning up to 2.25 keV, has been reevaluated with high resolution in the last ENDF/B-VIII release [2] and a SAMMY resonance analysis was done by L. Leal et al. [3] including the CERN-nTOF experimental work of Paradela el al. [4] up to 10 keV, taken into account the IAEA Reference file.In this work the 235 U(n,f) low-background and high-resolution experimental data obtained at the CERN-nTOF facility is combined with previous high-resolution experimental data, in order to produce a very fine grid dataset with normalisation to the IAEA Reference file. The extremelyhigh energy calibration required to reproduce the resonance sharp profiles is based on the nTOF DAQ system with a resolution below 0.1% with reference to the 8.78 eV resonance and to the sharp Al(n,g) capture dip at 5.904 keV. The comparison of the so-evaluated profile with the experimental data and with the evaluated ones will be discussed.